Businesses Supporting Common Core

The article linked here is pro-Common Core. (I strongly oppose CC, as evidenced by many posts on my blog.) But on the side bar, next to the article, there is a list of businesses that support Common Core. You may be interested in seeing the list.


About Kristen Chevrier

Kristen Chevrier is married to Brian Chevrier. They are the parents of five awesome children. Kristen began researching home schooling twenty-two years ago, when her first child was six months old, and fell in love with the idea. Kristen received her MA in English from Brigham Young University. She has taught Freshman English at BYU and has taught Theater, History, English Literature and Composition for private schools and groups of home schooled teens. Most of all she enjoys being with her family. She is very comfortable with home schooling, but blogging is a new adventure.
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