Please take 7 minutes to watch this courageous, poised, articulate wife, mother, and small business owner address the United States Congress. Then, please, educate yourself and get involved in the political process.
- Study the Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Know your rights
- Understand where your rights come from
- Defend your rights
If enough good people get educated and involved, soon, we may still be able to turn this around.
Learn more about the Constitution:
FREE (4 minute review): Let’s Review, Michael Peroutka
FREE (easy to follow youtube series): Principles of the Constitution Series FreedomProjectDotCom
FREE (fascinating series; a bit more scholarly): Constitution 101, Hillsdale College
The Making of America by Cleon Skousen
The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen
Promises of the Constitution by Pamela Openshaw (very accessible vignettes; great to read with family)
Drive Thru History (dvds; very fun to watch)
There’s a lot more where that came from, but this is a good start. 😉
Thanks for reading, watching, learning, acting!